Design for Success

Design for Success

At CGS, we design approaches that build on the possibilities defined during the project exploration phase. Working in partnership with our clients increases transparency and continues to build the organizational ownership critical to long-term project success.

Our approach is not prescriptive – as consultants, we don’t bring the answer. Instead, we act as process guides, leading our clients through their change effort to achieve their vision and outcomes. We help our clients “see” the whole system in which they are working, and provide them with the tools, interventions, and support to make the right decisions for their organization.

As facilitators and process consultants, we are able to design targeted interventions that engage representatives of the whole system and build on the existing relationships and patterns in the organization. Our clients are often amazed by the results they are able to achieve when they acknowledge the system around them and work with us to design improvements.

During the design phase, we work to involve a wide breadth of stakeholders at key engagement points to foster a culture of participation and build unity of effort. We support our clients in understanding stakeholder interests, bringing appropriate individuals together to support design, and keeping all parties informed of expectations and progress. We view these engagements as essential to creating organizational support for the project’s outcomes, ultimately bringing lasting change for our clients.

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