Enabling Methods & Tools

Gathering stakeholder input is a critical element of all of our approaches, not only to build organizational buy-in but also to enable our clients to make data driven decisions to achieve their missions. CGS uses a suite of methods and tools to make all of our consulting engagements collaborative and inclusive. Involving a wide breadth of stakeholders at key engagement points fosters a culture of inclusiveness and builds unity of effort. Engaging stakeholders and gathering their input early on in an effort creates buy-in and ultimately increases efficiencies by reducing rework later on. Common stakeholder input methods that we use on engagements include:

  • Meeting Design & Facilitation
  • Social Science Data Methods (including Interviews, Focus Groups, and Survey Design and Administration)
  • Program & Project Management
  • Individual and Group Assessments such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), INSIGHT Inventory, 360 Degree Feedback and the Extraordinary Teams Inventory (ETI)
  • Executive & Team Coaching


“Every person that has received coaching from CGS has said that they are immediately able to apply their learning and see real change.”


– A Senior Government Official

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